Over the last 15 months the ICS Alphonse team has been working with the @Alphonse Fishing Company on 'accelerometer trials' on the Giant Trevally, a species which is resident within the lagoon. The tests assess reflex impairment and post-release condition to uncover the physiological and behavioural effects of catch-and-release. Last month the desired sample size of 40 was achieved. We would like to extend our gratitude to the many fishing guides who assisted ICS, in particular Trevor Sithole and Warren Graham for their enthusiasm. The data will be analysed by our partners at @UniMassachusetts and the results will help to further define the Fly-fishing Code-of-Conduct. Collaboration has been key to this @SeyCCAT funded project, and we are excited to continue working with our partners towards scientifically supported sustainable practices.
One of our the conservation staff of ICS, Dillys Pouponeau, has produced a short documentary on Silhouette. The Seychelles Broadcasting Cooperation will broadcast the short documentary on of its TV station, SBC 1.
ICS values the diverse pool of talents present across the islands and will continue to encourage creativity and innovation in the workplace. Well done, Dillys! Our gratitude goes to to SeyCCAT, SBC and all who has participated in the documentary. ICS celebrates its 20th anniversary today, 10th April 2021. What started out as a small NGO by only four trustees is now an established conservation organisation striving to sustainably manage island ecosystems. To commemorate this auspicious occasion, we have organised a series of activities involving the media and staff across the islands. Our founders, staff and partners have prepared short messages for this occasion, these can be viewed from our Facebook page and Instagram account.
We are pleased with what we have achieved over the past two decades, thanks to the dedication of the ICS founders, Trustees, staff and partners. We look forward to strenghtening partnerships so that we can collectively tackle various issues that continue to impact our fragile island ecosystems. Conservation should be part of our daily lives so that we can continue to promote and protect the earth’s resources for current and future generations. ICS reiterates its commitment to promote and protect the fragile island ecosystems that belong to every Seychellois with the support of organisations and the wider community. |
February 2025