Our Projects |
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Our Projects |
Browse our recent & ongoing projects or click the link below to view our past projects & their achievements.
Title |
Increased efficiency of rat control around a seabird colony on Desroches Island, by replacing poison tubes with modern, toxin-free, A24 rat traps.
Main Objective |
The goal of the project is to improve the nesting habitat of the wedge-tail shearwater colony in the north east of Desroches.
Timeframe |
2023 - ongoing
Donors |
Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust (SeyCCAT)
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Expansion and Strengthening of the Protected Area Subsystem of the Outer Islands of Seychelles and its Integration into the broader land and seascape
Main Objective
Promote the conservation and sustainable use of terrestrial and marine biodiversity in the Seychelles’ Outer Islands by expanding the protected areas system and strengthening protected area management, supported by broad-scale ecosystem planning and sustainable land management activities to conserve ecosystem functions.
The Seychelles Manta Ray Project
Main Objective
Improve the current knowledge of connectivity and seasonal patterns, spatial ecology and habitat use of manta ray species within the Republic of Seychelles including territorial waters and Economic Exclusive Zones
The Manta Trust, Alphonse Foundation, Desroches Foundation, Farquhar Foundation
Spatial Ecology and Response to Catch-and-Release of Recreationally Targeted Fish Species on St. François and Alphonse Atolls, Alphonse Group, Seychelles Outer Islands: Implications for conservation and management
Main Objective
Examine the spatial ecology and catch and release response of Giant Trevallies (GTs) on St François and Alphonse. This work will enhance our knowledge of the spatial ecology of GTs, help identify their essential habitats, and provide valuable insights as to how they respond to the potential pressures imposed by recreational angling. It will also provide the foundation for conservation and management actions, such as rotating flats and being strict with how GTs are handled and released after angling.
Satellite tracking the movements of Red-footed Booby (Sula sula) from St. François Island, Alphonse Group
Main Objective
Determine where adult Red-footed Boobies come from and where they go to breed, to identify other (potentially unknown) roosting areas in the western Indian ocean that may be used by this species over the annual cycle.
Alphonse Foundation, Gran Kaz, IBC-UNISEY, Miguel Torres Foundation
A Five Species Monitoring Guide for Fly Caught Fish in the Alphonse Group: Implications for conservation and management
Main Objective
Establish the basis for long-term monitoring, and gather sufficient information to guide conservation and management of the five catch and release target species on the Alphonse Group: Giant Trevally, Indo-Pacific Permit, Milkfish, Yellow-margin Triggerfish and Moustache Triggerfish.
Alphonse Foundation
SEYFISH “Contaminant bioaccumulation in Seychelles marine food web” project on Farquhar and Desroches
Main Objective
Determine the level and extent of contamination in different marine species representative of major functional trophic groups characteristic of typical habitats (for example, benthic vs pelagic; coastal vs open waters). will provide the first comprehensive and essential baseline data on Seychelles marine pollution that will help underlying actual threats for marine biodiversity and Human, and ultimately designing an optimal program for long-term monitoring and conservation strategies to protect from pollution.
Seychelles Fishing Authority
Foraging ecology of White-tailed tropicbirds breeding on Aride Island Nature Reserve
Main Objective
Study the feeding ecology of White-tailed tropicbirds, using miniature (3-4g) bird-borne GPS tracking devices to follow the at-sea movements of tropicbirds while they go on feeding trips, to understand their feeding range and identify important feeding areas.
Oxford University, IBC-UNISEY
Abundance, habitat selection and movements at sea of the Red-footed Booby (Sula sula) as informative tools for conservation management within the Seychelles Marine Spatial Plan
Main Objective
Provide population size estimates, geographical distribution and trends for two of the main (and fast growing) concentrations (breeding colonies or roosts) of the Red-footed Booby (RFB) in Seychelles, and to identify the foraging areas exploited by this species and its habitat selection at sea around Farquhar. This is essential information for the identification and management of Marine Protected Areas within the Seychelles Marine Spatial Plan. The conservation status of the RFB (and of other seabird species with the same environmental requirements) will be assessed and considerably improved.
Regional Importance of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) Marine Protected Area (MPA) for non-breeding seabirds of the Western Indian Ocean
Main Objective
Understand the regional value of the BIOT MPA to seabirds from the Western Indian Ocean during the non-breeding period. Present seabird population levels across the BIOT MPA, as well as modelling whether or not given populations use the area more or less by chance in the context of their migratory ecology.
IBC-UniSey, ZSL, CEBC-CNRS, University of Exeter
Plastic connectivity: disentangling the problem of plastic pollution for pelagic seabirds
Main Objective
Evaluate the risk of marine plastic encounter by different species of small, pelagic seabird species, and identify the areas where risk is greatest. The results will be used to inform relevant authorities, businesses, partner organisations and the general public about the scale of the problem of plastic pollution for seabirds, to support actions and policies to promote their conservation.
Birdlife International, CEBC-CNRS, ISPRA, IBC-UniSey
Predicting foraging hotspots for seabirds on the Great Barrier Reef
Main Objective
Predict and map at-sea foraging areas for seabird species breeding across the entire Great barrier Reef (GBR) by building ‘global’ models for each species using tracking data from multiple colonies across the globe.
IBC-UniSey, ISPRA and University of Leeds